What Happens When A Family Is Affected By Autism AND Cancer?

“What happens to my children when I die? Who will take care of them?” That is a question many parents of children with autism and special needs ask themselves. Our mortality is a stark reminder of the urgency of healing our children and ensuring that they grow up healthy and independent. This also reminds me of the importance of taking care of my own health.


To donate to our Give Forward Fundraiser for Melanie, please CLICK HERE.

The Thinking Moms’ Revolution has started a fundraiser for our fellow Thinking Mom, Melanie. She is best known as Booty Kicker, because she is an autism mum AND is a breast and bone cancer survivor. Unfortunately, Melanie just received news that she is now facing spine and liver cancer. Her son Luke is severely affected by autism, is self-injurious and requires constant care. The cost of raising and healing a child with autism is staggering. And when you add in the immense cost of cancer treatments, it can very well bankrupt a family that is already taxed beyond belief.

Melanie TMRMelanie is a founding member of the Thinking Moms’ Revolution, her chapter in the book Autism Beyond The Spectrum leaves a huge impact on our readers. Her blogs are legendary and has helped many families worldwide deal with autism. She is also responsible for many of the day to day duties that is required to keep the Thinking Moms’ Revolution blog up and running.

Melanie is one of the strongest and bravest woman I know. But she needs our help. We are raising funds to assist Melanie with her treatments as well as to help with Luke’s medical bills. Please give generously, 100% of  the donation funds will go towards Melanie and her family.

1 in 68 children are diagnosed with autism. Hundreds of people are diagnosed with cancer every day. Autism and cancer knows no boundaries. It affects people of every race, culture, religion and nationality. Autism and cancer rates are rising at a tremendous rate, the impact of these illnesses to families and society as a whole is staggering. We have to play our part to ensure a better, healthier future for new generations. Don’t just be a bystander, be a part of the solution.  Please donate today http://ow.ly/BFBvD

Take positive actions to safeguard your child’s future. Don’t forget to…

  • Write a will, determine who will be your child’s guardian when you’re gone.
  • Discuss with him or her your child’s medical needs and education plan.
  • Take care of your own health.
  • Count your blessings, express love and gratitude every single day.
  • Pray

To donate to our Give Forward Fundraiser for Melanie, please CLICK HERE.

Read our blogs at The Thinking Moms’ Revolution here.

1 thought on “What Happens When A Family Is Affected By Autism AND Cancer?

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